StreetWise Backpack Day 2018
Backpack Day Event | July 28, 2018 | Volunteer Sign-Up
StreetWise would like to invite you to assist with our Annual Backpack Day event on Saturday, July 28th! This event is designed to provide children of families living below the poverty level with the appropriate and necessary supplies needed for the upcoming school year. Due to many of our client families’ financial situations, they are unable to provide their children with proper school supplies. Through various school supply drives and individual donations from the community, we strive to ensure that every child is given every opportunity for success despite their family’s circumstances.
When: Saturday, July 28, 2017 (9:30am – 2:30pm)
Where: StreetWise Georgia | 1770 Cedars Rd. Lawrenceville, GA 30045
Contact Email: Send us an email!
Contact Phone: (678) 985-9915
Event Description:
Our Annual Backpack Day event is held at our primary StreetWise Georgia location in Lawrenceville. All families that receive assistance have been preregistered at our and have set appointment times. First, a short program featuring a gospel presentation helps to ensure that everyone who attends understands that we are gladly giving in the name of Jesus Christ and that he has made a way for us to have hope in Him!
The families are then escorted to where the children receive their very own backpack, packed specially for their grade and gender. As an added bonus, all parents that attend the program will leave with groceries for their entire household!
Through donations from generous members of our community and taking a Saturday to volunteer your time, the StreetWise Georgia Backpack Day event will ensure that every child receives every opportunity to succeed this school year!
If you would like to volunteer for this event, simply use the sign-up form at the bottom of this page!
[column-group] [column]Want to donate backpacks and supplies for Backpack Day 2018? Donations may be delivered to our Lawrenceville location, Monday-Friday | 9am-4pm All donations must be delivered to StreetWise by Wednesday, July 25th.
View Supply List[/column]
[column]Would you rather donate money toward the cost of completed backpacks? You may donate in advance by visiting our PayPal Donation Page. $45 for an elementary student and $55 for a high school student.
Click Here to Donate![/column] [/column-group]
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Volunteer Opportunities