Many Pieces, One Purpose- Puzzle Piece #4
It is the Gift from God…
We like giving people the food, clothing and hygiene items they need. In fact, it is necessary to our witness that we provide in practical ways. 1 John 3:17 asks, “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”
The primary purpose of StreetWise, however, is not to serve as a food pantry. We cannot tend to a family’s temporary, physical needs without considering their eternal, spiritual well-being. In Mark 8:36, Jesus warns us that it is no good “for a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul.” Plates will empty and cups will run dry, but our God satisfies forever (John 4:14).
People come to us for help from all walks of life. Some have lost jobs, some have been abused, some struggle with addiction and some battle serious physical or mental illnesses. More than momentary relief, we want them to experience the unshakable peace that comes when we commit ourselves into the Father’s hands. For this reason, counselors sit down with every Client who comes for a benevolence appointment. Theses volunteer mediators listen, pray, provide valuable resources and speak the truth in love. It is our goal that each family would leave with full trunks and full hearts, knowing that they are sincerely cared for by God and His people.
We have been given a great gift in knowing Him, and with grateful hearts, we can’t help but share it.
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Question? Email volunteer@streetwisegeorgia.org