Happy Easter Sunday!

Happy Easter Sunday!

“He is Risen” means that there is more to be written yet in the story of our lives. We do not have to live alone and afraid anymore. God is with us. He will come and live with us.

As we celebrate this blessed day, it is not our ‘usual’ way we have celebrated this day all those many years before the Virus Outbreak & the state mandated Stay-At-Home orders.  We are use to going to church and listening to the Easter Story, then going to our parents house and after the Easter Blessing we would share in a wonderful meal with our siblings and all their children, and three generations of children, all dressed in their Easter outfits.

However, upon reflection of my own Easter Celebrations it is still about family and the reason we celebrate this day to begin with. “He is Risen” means that there is more to be written yet in the story of our lives…and there is.  We have always been very close with our families, but I have found that my husband & myself are connecting even more with our children and family.  We are making extra efforts to check-in on each other, which upon ‘reflection’ we should have been making more of an effort anyway and taking time out of our busy days to connect more with our grown children, siblings, parents, & friends. We are sharing Facetime a lot more and calling each other about the same as we texted.  Thank goodness for unlimited talk & texted! And for the first time in a great while we are sending cards and handwritten letters. Everyday is a gift…what will you do with your gift?

This is a time to be grateful for what God gives us, be truly blessed for each day we are here, and above all share in the Love for each other. Which I not only get from my family, but I get this from my StreetWise family too.  

From all of us at StreetWise we wish you & your family a very Blessed Easter!

Early on Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus’s followers, and some other women went to the tomb to put spices onto the body to stop it smelling. When they got to the tomb, they discovered that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. They wondered what had happened! Suddenly two men dressed is white robes that glowed appeared in the tomb. The women were very frightened, but the men said “He is not here! He has risen just as he said.” Then the women remembered what Jesus had said.
The women left the tomb and went to tell the other disciples about what had happened. The others did not believe the women because it sounded like rubbish! But Peter and John got up and ran to the tomb and found it empty with only strips of cloth lying in it. When they saw the empty grave, they believed that Jesus had risen.
“He has risen” Matthew 28:5-7
Matthew 28:6 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

Click here to read more of the story of Easter that your family and children will enjoy.

Karen Cox

A truly blessed StreetWise Staff member