Are you in need of prayer? How can we pray for you? Send us your Prayer Request and a StreetWise Prayer Team Member will contact you.

Prayer Request

Send us your Prayer Requests and a StreetWise Prayer Team Member will contact you.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
Would you like a StreetWise Prayer Warrior (Client Advisor) to contact you?
If you would like to be contacted, what is the best way to reach out to you?


Need Help

StreetWise can provide an individual or family with food, personal hygiene and household cleaning items, every six (6) weeks.  Food items are pre-boxed and ready for each appointment.  You must have an appointment to receive assistance from StreetWise.  To receive Clothing you may make your appointment at the time of your 6 week appointment.

Would you like a Bible?  Ask our StreetWise Volunteer when you are checked in at your appointment.

Call to schedule an appointment Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday between 10:15 AM & 2:00 PM, or book online at: 

Client Online 6 Week Appointment Booking


You have a Question? Email us at