Are you in need of prayer? How can we pray for you? Send us your Prayer Request and a StreetWise Prayer Team Member will contact you.
Prayer Request
Send us your Prayer Requests and a StreetWise Prayer Team Member will contact you."*" indicates required fields
Need Help? StreetWise can provide an individual or family with food, personal hygiene and household cleaning items, every six (6) weeks. Food items are pre-boxed and ready for each appointment. You must have an appointment to receive assistance from StreetWise. To receive Clothing you may make your appointment at the time of your 6 week appointment. Would you like a Bible? Ask our StreetWise Volunteer when you are checked in at your appointment. Call to schedule an appointment Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday between 10:15 AM & 2:00 PM, or book online at: Client Online 6 Week Appointment Booking You have a Question? Email us at