About StreetWise Mobile Food Pantry

About the “Mobile Food Pantry”

On the second Saturday of every month, 

StreetWise Georgia takes an extra step toward helping more struggling families fight hunger.

This is the highlight of the month for our dedicated volunteer groups as we are able to get hands-on and respond to one of the community’s greatest challenges: Hunger.


Event Details

When: Second (2nd) Saturday of every Month  

Check out the StreetWise Calendar of Events for Mobile Food Pantry dates & more Event information and sign-ups! 

Where: StreetWise Georgia  1770 Cedars Road  Lawrenceville, GA. 30045 

Contact Email: Send us an email!

Contact Phone: (678) 985-9915


More about MFP:

This event was designed to be that extra initiative to further alleviate hunger by serving nearly 200 families in a single day. This is accomplished by groups and individuals coming together with the common goal of improving our community. The first hour is devoted to boxing up all of the food products that the pre-registered families will be receiving that day. Those boxes are loaded onto pallets and organized in our parking lot where clients will be driving through. The remaining time is for the food distribution, filling remaining boxes, and building relationships with families as they come through. Clean-up is a snap when everyone chips in and we leave there knowing that we have truly made a difference in the lives of others!


Would you also consider

supporting the Mobile Food Pantry financially?

The success of the Mobile Food Pantry depends on willing hearts and financial support from community members like you!

 Make a one-time donation.
